Empowering Nike by arming their employees with the skills they need to meet 'the new world of work'.
Case studies
From facilitation trainings, transforming conferences into a virtual experiences or guiding strategy sessions - we’re so proud to see Mischief made in so many different kinds of organisations and how our collaborations have contributed to better work life.
Gain the tools, techniques and mindset to manage engaging meetings, design interactive workshops and host events - online, offline & hybrid.
Sign up for Mischief Makers Leading Groups Course
I am over-expectations-satisfied with the course and the awesome course leaders at Mischief Makers B.V., and would like to recommend it to anyone who feels the need to grow in their facilitation skills. You get access to a lot of knowledge, templates and a network of facilitators. It’s learning by doing, and the energy you put in is the energy you get back.
It was very enriching getting to know such a diverse group of people with very different backgrounds and professions but with the same interest for facilitation. The course really showed me what a powerful thing facilitation can be, especially given how dynamic, adaptable and cross-cutting it is.
At Mischief Makers, we believe facilitation can be a powerful driver for change. Skilled Facilitators enable inclusive and effective collaboration, they empower people to do their best work.
We actively create space and invest resources into work focused on positively impacting people and the planet, and 'for good' projects.
We dedicated an arm of Mischief Makers dedicated to social impact, connecting NGOs and grassroots organisations with facilitation expertise, providing free educational resources and workshops to underfunded organisations, and empowering marginalised talent with growth and development opportunities.