Facilitation Training
Facilitation Training
How might we train Accenture consultants in the art of facilitation both on and offline, in order to enhance their internal collaboration and client work?
Case Study• WeTransfer / Offsites
How might we facilitate a connection session during the WeTransfer Offsite that sparks excitement, builds relationships and enhances team building amongst all WeTransfer employees?
We designed and facilitated a 2,5 hours session for 300 WeTransfer Employees to get to know each other and connect on a deeper level.
With a team of 7 we’ve carefully crafted the individual and group experience of the crowd. From light touch mingle exercises to co-creative exercises.
Co-created an art piece together (including 1000 paper crane birds, check out the Facilipedia Article about it!)
Visualised a portrait gallery of the WeTransfer family through 300 portraits drawn by the crowd
Gained insight into the teams group dynamics through various spectrum exercises
" Mischief Makers represent the cutting edge of meaningful collaboration. As an in-house facilitator it's allowed me to teach my craft to others & inspire to make real change in the ways we meet at WeTransfer. The way they've worked with us to actually adapt to our needs (instead of just claiming it) is truly impressive. "
We are looking forward to hearing from you.
Whether you’re interested in working together, want to know more about Facilitation, or simply have a question for us, reach out.