The Openness - Trust spiral

The ‘openness-trust spiral’, is a concept that highlights how openness and trust in a group setting keep reinforcing each other positively. Let’s take a quick look into how that works.

Imagine a group where people are initially cautious and withhold information. When someone decides to open up and share, it builds a small amount of trust among others. This increased trust then encourages others to also share more openly. As this cycle continues, each act of openness deepens trust further, creating a spiral effect where both openness and trust continually grow stronger.

opeenness trust spiral_mischief_makers how sharing leads to bonding and trust deepens which improves collaboration


At the top of the spiral, your tasks are simple and your connections are shallow. As you move along the spiral, your relationships deepen and you’re able to tackle increasingly complex and impactful challenges together.

Opening up can feel scary at times but is rewarding

In facilitation, fostering this spiral involves creating a safe environment where participants feel comfortable sharing their thoughts and feelings without fear of judgment.

When guiding people through such experiences, the facilitation practice should be all about encouraging transparency and active listening to support and empathic and effective exchange.

The openness and trust spiral is perfect for facilitators strive to enhance team dynamics, they often seek strategies for building trust, encouraging collaboration, and fostering openness among team members. This includes understanding how to support shy colleagues in group settings, improve communication to build trust, and effectively explain the value of trust in teamwork. Facilitators may also look for methods to encourage participation in discussions and enhance overall team collaboration through facilitation techniques that promote openness and trust. These efforts aim to create an environment where team members feel comfortable sharing ideas and working together effectively towards common goals.

Some of our top tips for leaders and facilitators to guide people in this process are:

  • Use connection prompts to and break the ice and create a habit of sharing.

  • Co-create guidelines on key behaviours and communication through a social contract.

  • Practice how to foster active listening skills among participants to enhance empathy and understanding.

Ultimately, the combination leads to strong relationships and enjoyable collaboration- ready to tackle complex, important challenges with confidence and ease.


Collaboration, guide to working better anywhere, information techniques mindset methods dynamics

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